Who we are and what we do
We are able to fund sight-saving research only thanks to the generosity of the public. Over the last 36 years, we have invested more than £19 million in research. Thank you so much for your support.
We are grateful for each and every donation, regardless of its size, and we take care to spend our donors' gifts prudently and for maximum impact.
Below are our latest published financial results (for the year 2021-22) and you can read our 2021-22 Annual Review and our Reviews and Accounts for previous financial years here.

Our 5-year aggregate is 17.4p:£1. Legacy gifts still account for a significant part of our income. The Trustees are committed to ensuring that the charity can operate on a more sustainable footing. As we look to diversify our income generation over the next few years, and following the devastating effect of COVID-19 on charities in 2020, we expect our cost to raise £1 to increase temporarily. We will always spend your money prudently and maximise our investment in research.

In 2020/21 and 2021/22, Sight Research UK funded 34 researchers across 16 institutions with £810,040 in 39 active grants. To sustain these projects during COVID-19, we provided an extra £45,620. As of 30 June 2022, our remaining commitments to grant holders totalled £574,810.
We strive to contain our costs wherever possible.
The total running costs of the charity have remained unchanged for the last eight years.
Stop the clock on sight loss
Every 6 minutes someone in the UK receives the devastating news that they are going blind. That’s 250 people a day.
Your gift can help to find new sight-saving solutions.
If you can, please donate today. Thank you.