Pay in a collection
If you have raised money for Sight Research UK – thank you so much! Your support will help to take researchers ever closer to finding new treatments and prevention options for eye diseases.
You can pay in the money you have raised online, by bank transfer, by post or by phone. We are here to help you if you have any questions, but take a look at the information below first.
Whichever option you choose please remember let us know if we can claim Gift Aid. This will make your support worth an extra 25% at no extra cost to you or your sponsors.
If you can, please pay in your collection through our donation page. This is the quickest, and most cost-effective way for us to process it. Keeping our admin costs to a minimum means that more of your money goes straight to eye research. Be sure to let us know how you raised the money when you pay in your donation.
If you would like to pay in your collection by cheque, please make the cheque payable to Sight Research UK and send it in to us at 'Freepost SIGHT RESEARCH UK'. When posting something to our Freepost address, please make sure you use capital letters for our charity name.
Please make sure to include a note with your contact details so we can acknowledge safe receipt – and thank you!